Explore the opportunities for children, birth through 5th grade, to grow spiritually at CHCC.

Kids Sunday Programming

There will not be any morning classes (9 a.m.) in July. Please enjoy this time with friends, family, or sleep.

We will meet in our Kids Ministry/Office building and check in will be inside the entrance of that building. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at


Turn it Up Kids Ministry Series Castle Hills Christian Church

TURN IT UP: A Series from the Old Testament on DAVID.


What do you do when you hear your favorite song? Turn it up, of course! While we might love blasting our favorite music, we can also learn how to turn up God’s voice in our lives. In this series, kids will follow some key moments in the life of David, the famous musician, poet, and king, and they’ll learn about some of the ways David trusted God during some difficult times in his life. Through each story, we’ll learn God is with us when we feel weakGod helps us overcome big thingsGod comforts us when we’re afraid, and God helps us live in harmony.

Upcoming Kids Events

Parent's Day Out

Kids Ministry Values

  • Know - Knowing and learning God's word and asking questions.
  • Grow - Growing in faith, learning God's word and applying to day to day life.
  • Go - Going forward in life having a relationship with God and making disciples.

Kids Ministry Strategy

Bible-centric:  We will teach Bible stories, truth, and content, but not just for knowledge’s sake. We will challenge our children to wrestle with Scripture and to apply it to their lives. We will focus on having age-appropriate content for all ages. 


Relationships: We want children to form relationships with other kids and with adults who can be a positive influence in their lives. We will do whatever it takes to build these relationships, from Zoom calls, to porch visits, to postcards, to in-person interaction. 


Family: “No one can influence the life of a child more than a parent.” We will strive to offer parents tangible and useful resources. We will provide opportunities for families to worship and serve together.


Fun: We will be creative, fun, and imaginative in all we do and teach, so that we are relevant and inspiring to children. We will use fun games, current technology, dynamic environments, and interactive activities as strategic tools in getting children and their friends engaged in Christ.


Safety: We will strive to create environments that are safe, sanitary, and comforting for all ages of children. We will thoroughly screen, train, and equip all adults ministering to children.


Communication: We will strive to communicate the who, what, when, where, why and how at all times. We will utilize every tool necessary for parents, children, and our city to know about Christ through children’s ministry.

Kids Social Media Pages

CHCC Parents

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Children's Ministry